A selection of articles to help you get the most out of your website and online marketing
From an SEO point of view, canonicalization is very important. If you have a website that has the same content spread across different URLs, search engines will split the rankings as well. An example is typing a website without the www in the toolbar - this effectively dilutes your presence on the web.
What is the difference between A Name and CName domain (DNS) records? When shoudl you use one over the other? Typically you can edit your DNS records thorugh your hosting companies control.panel or dashboard. Today we will cover all the basics you should know.
What exactly is the difference between the data centre and the cloud? How might colocation data services help your business?
WordPress powers over 28% of the internet's websites - in it's simplicity, it's a website creation tool i.e. you make websites with it.
How often do you backup your Wordpress database? A surprising number of businesses we speak to don't have automatic backup provisions for their Wordpress website, how do you backup a Wordpress website? Find out here.
This month, Google added a new feature that will alert users if there is a sudden change in their websites clicks or impressions, these statistics are important aspects of SEO and will naturally change when you alter your website. Being notified when a big change occurs could be a great way to identify key factors that influence how much traffic you get and allow you to respond to these changes!